jersey jerriais

Jèrriais: Jersey’s secret language

Few people outside the island know that Jersey has its own language, Jèrriais – or that it was used as a secret code during occupation in WW2.

galapagos islands sunset seals cormorants

The Galapagos Islands

Take an unforgettable trip to one of the world’s most precious habitats – the Galapagos Islands, where nature has hardly changed since the days of Darwin.

place to be, lonely planet, travel writing, oliver berry

Place To Be

Travel with your heart: a new book on travelling in search of a feeling for Lonely Planet. Aloneness, awe, enlightenment, fulfillment, serenity and more.

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Bali & Lombok

A travel feature on the islands of Bali and Lombok, including Ubud, Jatiluwih, snorkelling on Pemuteran, the ascent of Mount Rinjani and the Gili Islands.

gugh scilly ernest journal oliver berry

Ernest Journal, Issue 3

I recently worked with the fantastic Ernest Journal (‘the magazine for curious and adventurous gentlefolk’) on their third print issue, shooting a 24-page special on the Isles of Scilly. We visited most of the main islands – St Mary’s, Tresco, St Agnes and Bryher, plus a couple of the more out-of-the-way ones, including the abandoned island of Samson and the wild island of Gugh, where the magazine’s cover image was shot. I also shot and wrote a portrait feature with three brothers from the St Mary’s Boatmen Association – Steve, Alec and Fraser Hicks.

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The tropical Seychelles

Splendidly isolated in mid-ocean between Africa and India, the Seychelles are perhaps the quintessential tropical islands, tailor-made for island-hopping. Hop aboard a local ferry to access rainforest walks, gin-clear waters ripe for snorkelling, and some of the world’s oldest animals.